If you’re tired of the same old kids’ parties it may be time to get creative. You can host a unique arts and crafts themed party for the kids, and convert your home ou backyard into an art studio. Children will be the guest artists and be able to make and take home crafts to give to their parents.

Les invitations


Party invitations are an essential component to a successful children’s art themed birthday party. Arts and crafts party invitations should provide excitement for the event. They should invite the attendee to RSVP so that the host knows how many art supplies to buy, and how much food to order.

Tutoriels de décoration


Voici quelques idŽes pour vous aider ˆ vous lancer dans une fte d'anniversaire artisanale.

Le dŽcor de fte des arts et mŽtiers peut tre crŽŽ avec les trois couleurs primaires vives de rouge, bleu et jaune. Faites preuve de crŽativitŽ et crŽez des dŽcorations avec votre kit de peinture et du papier blanc, puis collez-les dans des banderoles ou des bannires. Des vases remplis de pinceaux peuvent dŽcorer les tables, et des Images et des peintures de votre maison peuvent entourer la pice.

Jeux / Activités

La durŽe de la fte et des activitŽs de fte sera dŽterminŽe par l'‰ge des enfants. Choisissez une seule activitŽ, comme un anniversaire de poterie, une peinture sur cŽramique ou une soirŽe de peinture, car il reste du temps ˆ consacrer ˆ la nourriture.

La Nourriture

You may wish to feed the kids first, and then move onto the arts and crafts activities. Save cake for last, after they’ve washed their hands and cleaned up a bit.

When you’re hosting a colourful art party you’ll want to spend as much time on the food too. Set up a party platter as a mosaic art piece. Have each individual cracker, cheese, ou grape make a picture. You can take your theme one step further and create a picture of a pet, house, person, ou other popular art themes.

You’ll be able to celebrate your child’s creativity by hosting a fun arts and crafts birthday afternoon. Each child will have their completed art piece to take home to show their parents, making the fun arts and crafts party day live on forever in their minds.


Faveurs de fête

Hand sewn aprons can also work as party favors. You can also search your dollar store for cheap birthday party ideas. Each child can be handed an arts and craft kit at the beginning of the DIY party. Inside the kit will be the basic supplies required to get them started, such as paints and paintbrush, ou pottery clay. The adult host of the party can provide other supplies such as water, containers, washcloths, and waterproof tablecloth.

Envoi de remerciements


Carte de remerciements can be sent any time after the birthday party. I always recommend sending out photo thank you cards as it is a great keepsake for your guests of your little ones special first birthday!