Imprimez vos feuilles chez Staples, OfficeMax, une imprimante locale, ou ˆ la maison.

Les Images imprimables tŽlŽchargeables sont au bas de l'article! Bonne fabrication !!

  1. Imprimer et dŽcouper:
  2. Score the fold lines. If you don’t have a score board, You can just fold the lines with your hands, I did try this with one and it turned out great:
  3. Pliez sur les lignes blanches et les rabats:
  4. Collez le rabat infŽrieur et le c™tŽ:
  5. Cut a small slit to fold the top in a close, ou use tape ou a sticker to close. All done!!

J'en ai aussi mis un rose! My Pumpkin theme birthday party printables for girls match that one! You can use this printable for halloween parties, school treat ideas, and birthday parties, and to give to your teachers, family & friends!

Right-click on these files to download them: