Organisez une fte d'anniversaire de cow-girl au galop!

Si votre petite fille ne correspond pas au moule de la princesse, elle adorera peut-tre l'une de nos idŽes d'anniversaire de cow-boy ou une fte d'anniversaire occidentale. Il existe de nombreuses idŽes crŽatives que vous pouvez utiliser avec ce thme, des invitations aux activitŽs culinaires et festives.

Invitations ˆ une fte de cow-girl

Les invitations ˆ une fte sont essentielles pour rassembler vos ftards. Il existe de nombreuses Images diffŽrentes que vous pouvez utiliser sur le devant, des bottes de cowboy ˆ un thme rustique, ou mme des chevaux. Nos invitations sont faites de papier de qualitŽ et peuvent tre envoyŽes par la poste.

IdŽes de tenues de cow-girl

Cowgirl outfit ideas don’t need to be expensive. Bandanas can be worn tied around the neck ou head. Any type of hat with a wide brim can be worn, and jeans and boots. A long sleeved button down shirt can complete the look.

DŽcors d'anniversaire occidentaux

There are many different ideas to try for party decor. You can have “Wanted” signs made up of the birthday girl, and tack them up around the party room. Shabby chic can be the main part of the room decor. You can source your old furniture from the basement ou attic, and even use your Grandma’s old doilies and tablecloths.

Si vous habitez prs d'une ferme, vous pouvez toujours acheter une balle de hale et l'utiliser comme Žtalage. Les cadeaux d'anniversaire peuvent tre disposŽs dessus.

Faveurs de fte amusantes

Party favors can be placed beside each place setting on the table. If you’re hosting an outdoor cowgirl party during warm weather, you can use your picnic tables. Each place setting can have small buckets ou tins filled with sweet treats.

ActivitŽs d'Žquitation

An actual horse riding birthday would be fun for all the kids. Pony riding is also another option, and much safer for younger children. Many companies will even bring the pony to your home. If you don’t have this option, you can buy pony ou horse toys from the toy store and the children can have fun galloping around with the stick and pretending that they’re really riding the horse.

Si vous avez besoin d'une idŽe pour un ŽvŽnement d'artisanat, un atelier de fabrication de pompon sera amusant. Les pompons peuvent tre confectionnŽs et attachŽs ˆ des bottes, des chapeaux ou des tenues.

A horseshoe game can be fun, and each child gets to see who can toss their horseshoe the closest to the stick. If you can’t find real horseshoes in a local antique shop you can make some out of cardboard, and use a wooden stick hammered into the ground.

Délicieux repas de fête

Trail mix can be given as a treat before you have the main meal. Hotdogs and hamburgers, ou a BBQ, will fit your cowgirl theme. Cakes can be decorated with horses, ou even a “Happy Birthday Wanted” sign.

Thme d'anniversaire Boho Butterfly